Be My Lady - Sandy

Since i’ve known you babe
You were a light for me
But there’s no yours sincerely
Build me a world to believe
But still there’s a doubt
in you for loving me
Though deep down inside
You see what’s in me
Be my lady be the one
and great things will come to our heart
you’re my lady you’re my one
give me chance to show you love
Be My Lady - Sandy
yaaaah, gue demen banged ama nih laguuu ><
hah, coba ada yang nyanyiin tuh lagu buat gue . akkakakakkaa *ngarep*
dari tadi, gue dengerin tuh lagu uda ampe 20x'an lebiih . ahahahha
*sumpeh dh. kn gue reply song. aahahhahaha*
gga kerasa, uda malem :)
besog gue haru sekolah . ahahahah .
besok mesti jualan lgii .
tadi wafflenya laku :) cuma sisa 3 :D ahahaahah
tapi duit gue abis :'( hxhxhx .
gapapa lha :D ahahahha .
uda ah :D uda malem . mau bbo :D
malem ya :)
night ^^ God Bless