actually, i have some story. eh humm a lot hmm..... too much i think-_- but......... never mind.
pengen cerita banyak cuma gatau kenapa gak pengen. ada yang nge-ganjel di hati. something like i wan't to but.......... ah ga ngerti deh-_-
then i'm gonna tell you about this day. unimportant things but hey! this is my diary rite?
hari ini libur karna pemotongan kurban. untung aja gue gak di potong :") ups apa mungkin sebentar lagi aku akan di potong? hiks galau. haha canda-_-
hari ini gue ngebaca 3 novel. emang sengaja sih udah minjem dari perpus karna libur.......... terus ada satu eh dua eh tiga-tiganya deh-_- pokoknya setiap baca novel pasti ada pesan yang gue ambil. *apaseh-_- nah terus ada nih satu novel yang gue baca hari ini kata2nya bagus. then every chapter have their own theme. with unpredictable quotes;) oke gue ngelantur ah bodo amat~
then, a little about this book.

Judul : My Sky
Pembuat : Silvia Arnie
Penerbit : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Tebal Halaman : 224 halaman
Sinopsis : baca sendiri aja ah, males ngetiknya-_-VV
quotes dan kalimat yang gue suka dari novel ini.....BANYAK. then, cekidot;)
"Wherever I go, no matter how far, I believe you'll always be there"
"akhir sebuah cerita mungkin merupakan awal yang baru bagi orang yang mengambil hikmahnya"
"If you plan it, it's a fling. If it just happens, it's meant to be" - Aileen
"who ever loved that loved not at first sight?" - Christoper Marlove
"Sometimes, the love we are looking for is right in front of us, too close for the eyes to see. So, close your eyes and let your heart see for itself" - Shiela
"Now it is my turn to go out and find someone that will love me the way i loved you, but ten times more true to the heart" - Brandi
"If love hurts, the love some more, if love hurts some more, then love even more, if love hurts even more... then love till it hurts no more" - Gino Jalbuena
"A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love" - Stendhal
"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous" - Ingrid Bergman
"Aku tersenyum ceria seperti langit yang cerah saat semuanya berjalan sempurna. Baik aku maupun langit menangis saat tak bisa membendung beratnya beban kami lagi. Aku juga menciptakan seni paling indah saat sedih karna aku mencurahkan semua perasaanku, seperti langit menampakkan pelangi paling indah setelah ia menangis. Dan setelah saat-saat paling menyedihkan, aku akan tersenyum lagi. Seperti matahari yang selalu tersenyum setiap harinya menghadapi pagi baru yang indah. Seperti malam, aku terlihat gelap di satu sisi. Tapi dari sisi gelapku, aku mempunyai perasaan yang dalam seperti bulan. Aku merindukan orang yang kusayang seperti bulan merindukan matahari. Walau berjuta bintang menemaniku, tidak akan bisa mendapatkan orang yang kusayangi."
"A mighty pain to love it is, and 'tis a pain that pain to miss; but of all the pains, the greates pain is to love, but love in vain" - Abraham Crowley
"Love is like a fire, it burns for a while, but eventually goes out, and all you're left with is the memory of its warmth" - Ryan Cabrales
"Love curse people--both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it." - Dr. Karl Menniger
" 'I Love You' takes second to say but a life time to commit to" - Judy
"It is not how long love is... But how long love lasts... As a true love never looses its place in one's heart"
hem beberapa ada yang gue bold karna menurut gue itu mirip sama........kisah gue haha lupakan-_- ah ya menurut gue sampai hari ini, bulan November datar2 aja... yah kecuali saat gue di skolah, karna gue bakal bisa banget ngakak puol ama anak2. and ya, i have nothing to say anymore. i love being a part of you guys, dear my #NINECOPONE²º¹¹. je t'aime♥